Beard and moustache transplantation involves transplanting hair roots from the donor area to the area where beard or moustache is needed. Beard and moustache are crucial elements of men's external appearance, and deformations or gaps in these areas due to genetic, hormonal, or other reasons are common. This method offers several benefits, such as not requiring epilation since the desired areas are planted as requested by the person after the operation, restoring or enhancing facial characteristics, and making the person look mature for their age.
View more Accurate Placement of grafts: DHI allows for precise control over the angle, direction,
and depth of hair follicle implantation, resulting in a natural-looking hairline
Least Invasive: DHI involves minimal handling of grafts and doesn't require creation of
channels on recipient areas beforehand.
No Scalpel: The DHI technique doesn't involve scalpels, leading to less scarring and a
faster recovery time
Higher Graft Survival: Because grafts are implanted immediately after extraction, their
survival rate can be higher compared to techniques where grafts are stored before
Suitable for Various Hair Types: DHI can be used for different hair types, including curly
or wavy hair, as the precise implantation allows for natural results
Unique Technique: The Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique is somewhat more
intricate than basic hair transplant methods, requiring doctors and a specialized
team with specific training and skills.
Limited Graft Quantity: Due to the time-sensitive nature of the procedure, DHI
might not be ideal for very large graft sessions in a single sitting.
Higher Cost: The advanced technique and the expertise required a higher cost
compared to other hair transplantation methods.
Extended duration of the process.: Doing DHI takes time because each graft needs
to be placed very carefully.
Outcomes Based on Skill: The effectiveness of the DHI method depends a lot on
how skilled and experienced the medical team is. This can result in different levels
of success when different practitioners use the method
DHI(Direct Hair Implantation)는 새로운 방식이 아닌 FUE 모발이식의 변형된 형태로 과정과 결과. FUE 모발 이식에서 의사는 사파이어 블레이드를 사용하여 수용자 영역에 채널을 만들고 이식편을 열린 채널. 반면 DHI 방식은 의사가 볼펜 모양의 도구를 이용해 이식편을 수혜자에게 삽입하는 방법이다. 채널을 생성하지 않고 영역. 이 도구를 Choi 펜이라고 합니다.
DHI 모발 이식은 채널을 만드는 동안 Choi 펜을 사용하여 수행됩니다. 맞물리는 볼펜 모양의 이 작은 장치는
외부 테프론 코팅이 되어 있으며 섭씨 130도까지 견딜 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 바늘이 펜 끝을 가리키고 있습니다.
이식편을 넣는 곳입니다. 이 바늘은 인젝터와 비슷하지만 수직이며 끝이 톱니 모양입니다. 톱니 모양의 끝은 이렇게 만들어집니다
이식하기 전에 모발 이식편을 바늘에 꽂을 수 있도록
평균적인 DHI 모발 이식 과정에는 4~6개의 임플란터 펜이 사용됩니다. 이 방법은 두 단계로 구성됩니다. 첫 번째 단계는
펜에 모낭. 전문가 1명과 조수 2명이 이 단계에 참여하며 신속하게 완료해야 합니다. 페트리에서 채취한 모낭
접시는 펜 내부에 하나씩 배치됩니다. 이 모낭을 슬라이딩 방식으로 바늘에 넣습니다.
두 번째 단계는 바늘 내부에 배치된 이식편을 이식하는 것입니다. 내부에 이식편이 있는 바늘 포인트는
적당한 각도로 털이 없는 부위에 바늘로 피부를 뚫습니다. 이 시점에서 펜은 위에서 눌립니다. 모낭 후
바늘 끝부분을 털이 없는 부분의 구멍으로 밀어 넣으면 DHI 모발 이식이 완료됩니다.
모든 시술과 마찬가지로 DHI 모발 이식도 전문의에 의해 시행되어야 한다는 점에 유의하는 것이 중요합니다. 에 뚫린 구멍의 크기
피부는 그 과정에서 특히 중요하며 구멍이 너무 크면 성공할 가능성이 없습니다.
The hair grafts are extracted from the backside of the head, which we determine as between two ears and above the neck. The reason for choosing this specific area as a donor (extraction zone) is that the hair grafts in this region are genetically encoded against inherent hair fall. If the extraction process from this region is performed with better quality artistry, hair fall will never occur for a lifetime. Therefore, we take the hair grafts from the backside of the head, which we call the donor area.
The hair roots are homogeneously extracted one by one with the help of the latest technology system called the FUE method. After the process is over, the hair will never grow the place taken from since it is taken with its root, but it will not be visible since it is done with cater-corner homogeneously
The hair grafts are extracted from the backside of the head, which we determine as between two ears and above the neck. The reason for choosing this specific area as a donor (extraction zone) is that the hair grafts in this region are genetically encoded against inherent hair fall. If the extraction process from this region is performed with better quality artistry, hair fall will never occur for a lifetime. Therefore, we take the hair grafts from the backside of the head, which we call the donor area.
The hair roots are homogeneously extracted one by one with the help of the latest technology system called the FUE method. After the process is over, the hair will never grow the place taken from since it is taken with its root, but it will not be visible since it is done with cater-corner homogeneously
After the hair transplant has been done, our medical consultant assistant will, without stint, follow the whole process with you until you achieve the best result. We will describe to you the growth process of all the hair grafts, respectively.
1-On the 10th day, the process of cleaning scabs will be done.
2-After one month, implanted hair begins to shed moderately.
3-The implanted hair enters the shock hair loss during the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th month, called the resting phase. During this process, you will face a view as if no hair transplant has been done.
4-At the end of the 4th month, the implanted roots will gradually start to grow progressively, and each month will grow faster and more hair than the previous month.
5-In the 7th month, almost 70% of the transplanted hair ultimately grows.
6-All transplanted hairs may take 12 months for the front zone and 14 months for the crown region to grow
The regrowth period of the transplanted hair may vary from person to person. It is a fact that hair roots come out earlier or later than expected, depending on a person's habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, and eating habits.
After the hair transplant has been done, our medical consultant assistant will, without stint, follow the whole process with you until you achieve the best result. We will describe to you the growth process of all the hair grafts, respectively.
1-On the 10th day, the process of cleaning scabs will be done.
2-After one month, implanted hair begins to shed moderately.
3-The implanted hair enters the shock hair loss during the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th month, called the resting phase. During this process, you will face a view as if no hair transplant has been done.
4-At the end of the 4th month, the implanted roots will gradually start to grow progressively, and each month will grow faster and more hair than the previous month.
5-In the 7th month, almost 70% of the transplanted hair ultimately grows.
6-All transplanted hairs may take 12 months for the front zone and 14 months for the crown region to grow
The regrowth period of the transplanted hair may vary from person to person. It is a fact that hair roots come out earlier or later than expected, depending on a person's habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, and eating habits.
In hair transplantation, the hair roots are extracted from the entire backside of the head, including above the ears and neck, which we call the donor area. The number of roots is determined according to the volume and quality of the bald area, and the extraction is done homogeneously. Since the extracted grafts from this particular donor area are immune to shedding from birth and are genetically coded against shedding, they do not shed and last a lifetime. Indeed, it is determined according to the knowledge and skills of the doctor who extracts these hair roots in a quality way and performs the hair transplant. Hair grafts are found in the donor region as a triple, double, and single hair. In addition, this grouped form differs from person to person. The important thing is to extract these grouped hair roots without cutting, destroying, and damaging them. People who do not have hair follicles in the donor area, either have been treated for cancer or are struggling with a different disease.
As a result, the transplanted roots never fall out again.
90% of the people who have hair transplants in the Long Hair Center do not have postoperative pain. The reason is that the local anesthesia before the surgery is applied with good quality, which causes less harm to the grafts during the operation. We put pain killer medicins between your medical kit after the operation. However, most of our patients who have hair transplants do not need it.