모발 이식

Hair Transplant

Here at the Long Hair Center, under the ownership of Dr. Ahmet Yildirim, we are committed to providing you with 100% customer satisfaction and global quality treatments. Our services are delivered to the highest level of perfection with personalized, first-rate care tailored to meet your individual needs. Leave your wandering, nervous thoughts behind and experience your desired natural results with confidence. This is our assurance to our valued clientele. We provide the best possible services to our patients, with our undivided attention focused on meeting your personal preferences.

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The History of Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a field that is constantly evolving with technological innovations. While there is currently no cure for hair loss, hair transplantation offers a permanent solution. The origins of modern hair transplantation date back to the 19th century, when German medical student Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach conducted hair transplantation experiments on animals. In the 1930s, surgical techniques began with eyebrow and eyelash transplants in Japan and evolved into hair transplantation, which spread worldwide after World War II. Modern hair transplantation practices began in the 1950s with the work of Dr. Norman Orentreich in New York. Orentreich demonstrated that transplanted hair continued to grow, marking a significant advancement in the field of hair transplantation. In the 1980s, with the contributions of some Brazilian doctors, techniques were further developed and thousands of hair follicles were transplanted at one time using the microsurgical method of Dr. Rassman of the United States. In the following years, techniques such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) were developed. FUE was introduced to the literature in 2002 by Dr. Rassman and Dr. Bernstein. In 2007, it was transformed into robotic hair transplantation technology by modern doctors and experts. Hair transplantation has become a technology that offers permanent solutions in today's medical and aesthetic fields.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a specialized medical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from a donor area, usually the back or sides of the head, and implanted into areas of the scalp that are bald or thinning. The procedure is meticulously performed by a skilled medical team in a sterile environment to ensure safety and precision.

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Depending on the size of the area being restored, the procedure can take anywhere from 6 to 10 hours. Careful application of the correct technique is critical to the success of the procedure.Hair transplantation offers significant psychological benefits, as it can restore a person's self-confidence and improve their emotional well-being in social settings. The improved appearance can have a positive impact on a person's personal and professional life, fulfilling not only aesthetic desires but also long-held dreams of hair restoration. While there are several methods of hair transplantation, they all share a common goal: to restore hair in a way that looks natural and permanent.The use of local anesthesia makes the procedure virtually painless, allowing patients to remain awake and comfortable throughout the procedure. Although Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is not the preferred method today, techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) are widely used. And with modern advancements, recovery times are shorter and results are more natural looking than ever before. This combination of medical expertise, careful planning, and state-of-the-art techniques is making hair transplantation an increasingly popular choice for those seeking to address hair loss.

Sedation Illustration

How is a hair transplant performed?

A hair transplant operation should be performed in a hospital environment under sterile conditions by a fully qualified and experienced medical team. There are various techniques for hair transplantation, and the most suitable method depends on individual factors such as age, gender, hair type, the rate and pattern of hair loss, the quality of the donor area, and the level of baldness. The most common techniques include:

  1. Sapphire FUE
  2. DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)
  3. FUE and DHI combo
  4. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)
  5. Painless hair transplantation
  6. Hair transplantation with sedation

Hair Transplantation Stages

  • Consultation: Meeting between the doctor and the patient to discuss the details of the procedure. During this stage, the patient's hair loss condition is assessed and information about the transplantation process is provided.
  • Shaving: Depending on some factors and the technique chosen, the head may need to be shaved.
  • Anesthesia application: Local anesthesia is applied to ensure that the procedure is painless. This helps the patient feel comfortable during the surgery.
  • Follicle extraction: Hair follicles are carefully extracted from the donor area using a special micromotor. This step is critical to preserving the health of the follicles and ensuring a successful transplant.
  • Collecting the follicles: The extracted follicles are stored in a special solution to maintain their viability and survival rate.
  • Opening channels: Channels are created in the recipient area for implantation of the follicles in FUE method. In the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique, this step is skipped because the follicles are placed directly after the extraction.
  • Implanting the follicles: The hair follicles are carefully placed in predetermined lines and angles to achieve a natural appearance.
  • Preparation for discharge: Once the implantation is completed, the patient will be ready to be discharged.
  • First wash: The patient's head gets the first wash the next day after the operation.
  • Back to normal: Once you've had your first wash, you can get back to your normal routine but make sure you stick to all the post-surgery instructions.
Hair Transplantation Stages
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모발 이식

Here at the Long Hair Center, under the ownership of Dr. Ahmet Yildirim, we are committed to providing you with 100% customer satisfaction and global quality treatments. Our services are delivered to the highest level of perfection with personalized, first-rate care tailored to meet your individual needs. Leave your wandering, nervous thoughts behind and experience your desired natural results with confidence. This is our assurance to our valued clientele. We provide the best possible services to our patients, with our undivided attention focused on meeting your personal preferences.

모발 이식이란 무엇입니까?

모발 이식은 기증자 부위의 모낭을 모발에 이식하는 과정입니다. 대머리 또는 가늘어짐의 영향을 받는 두피 부위 머리카락. 절차는 무균 상태에서 전문 팀에 의해 수행되며 다음을 수행할 수 있습니다. 크기에 따라 6~10시간 이식할 부위. 올바른 기술을 적용하는 것이 중요하며, 환자와 의사는 절차를 주의 깊게 따라야 합니다. 성공적인 결과. 나아가 모발이식은 외과적 시술로 정의할 수 있습니다. 개인의 자신감을 높이고 향상시킬 수 있는 사회적 상황에서의 심리적 웰빙. 올바른 수술법과 계획, 그것은 또한 소원과 꿈을 실현할 수 있습니다 인내심 있는. 모발이식의 종류는 다양하지만 시술방법은 국소마취로 통증이 없습니다.

Modern hair transplantation practices began in the 1950s with the work of Dr. Norman Orentreich in New York. Orentreich demonstrated that transplanted hair continued to grow, marking a significant advancement in the field of hair transplantation. In the 1980s, with the contributions of some Brazilian doctors, techniques were further developed and thousands of hair follicles were transplanted at one time using the microsurgical method of Dr. Rassman of the United States.

In the following years, techniques such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) were developed. FUE was introduced to the literature in 2002 by Dr. Rassman and Dr. Bernstein. In 2007, it was transformed into robotic hair transplantation technology by modern doctors and experts.

Hair transplantation has become a technology that offers permanent solutions in today's medical and aesthetic fields.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a specialized medical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from a donor area, usually the back or sides of the head, and implanted into areas of the scalp that are bald or thinning. The procedure is meticulously performed by a skilled medical team in a sterile environment to ensure safety and precision. Depending on the

size of the area being restored, the procedure can take anywhere from 6 to 10 hours. Careful application of the correct technique is critical to the success of the procedure.

Hair transplantation offers significant psychological benefits, as it can restore a person's self-confidence and improve their emotional well-being in social settings. The improved appearance can have a positive impact on a person's personal and professional life, fulfilling not only aesthetic desires but also long-held dreams of hair restoration. While there are several methods of hair transplantation, they all share a common goal: to restore hair in a way that looks natural and permanent.

The use of local anesthesia makes the procedure virtually painless, allowing patients to remain awake and comfortable throughout the procedure. Although Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is not the preferred method today, techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) are widely used. And with modern advancements, recovery times are shorter and results are more natural looking than ever before. This combination of medical expertise, careful planning, and state-of-the-art techniques is making hair transplantation an increasingly popular choice for those seeking to address hair loss.

모발이식은 어떻게 진행되나요?

모발 이식 수술은 무균 상태의 병원 환경에서 시행되어야 합니다. 자격을 갖춘 팀의 조건. 많이있다 모발이식을 위한 기술, 적절한 기술은 사람마다 다릅니다. 연령, 성별, 모발 유형, 비율 및 탈모 패턴, 기증 부위의 질, 대머리 정도. 가장 일반적인 기술 포함
사파이어 퓨,
무통 모발이식,
진정제를 사용한 모발 이식.

  • Sapphire FUE,
  • DHI (Direct Hair Implantation),
  • FUE and DHI combo,
  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation),
  • Painless hair transplantation,
  • Hair transplantation with sedation
Although the stages of the hair transplant procedure may vary depending on the method applied, generally, the hair transplant procedure follows these steps:
  • Consultation: Meeting between the doctor and the patient to discuss the details of the procedure. During this stage, the patient's hair loss condition is assessed and information about the transplantation process is provided.
  • Shaving: Depending on some factors and the technique chosen, the head may need to be shaved.
  • Anesthesia application: Local anesthesia is applied to ensure that the procedure is painless. This helps the patient feel comfortable during the surgery.
  • Follicle extraction: Hair follicles are carefully extracted from the donor area using a special micromotor. This step is critical to preserving the health of the follicles and ensuring a successful transplant.
  • Collecting the follicles: The extracted follicles are stored in a special solution to maintain their viability and survival rate.
  • Collecting the follicles: The extracted follicles are stored in a special solution to maintain their viability and survival rate.
  • Opening channels: Channels are created in the recipient area for implantation of the follicles in FUE method. In the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique, this step is skipped because the follicles are placed directly after the extraction.
  • Implanting the follicles: The hair follicles are carefully placed in predetermined lines and angles to achieve a natural appearance.
  • Preparation for discharge: Once the implantation is completed, the patient will be ready to be discharged.
  • First wash: The patient's head gets first next day after the operation.
  • Back to normal: Once you've had your first wash, you can get back to your normal routine but make sure you stick to all the post-surgery instructions.
모발이식 시 주의해야 할 사항

모발이식은 처음부터 끝까지 세심한 주의가 필요한 과정입니다. 그러므로, 전체 작업을 주의 깊게 따라야 합니다. 전과 수술 후에는 다음 사항을 고려해야 합니다.

  • 병력 확인 및 필요한 검사 실시
  • 수술 전 지시 사항을 주의 깊게 따르십시오.
  • 자연스러운 외모 구현 및 황금 비율 유지
  • 사람의 나이와 성별에 따른 헤어라인 결정
  • 개인의 필요에 따라 이식 또는 치밀화할 영역 결정
  • 개인의 모발 성장 방향에 따라 채널을 열고 모발을 이식합니다.
  • 수술 후 지시 사항을 주의 깊게 따르십시오.
  • 꼼꼼하고 세심한 수술 후 관리 모발 이식은 상호 책임이라는 점에 유의하는 것이 중요합니다. 둘 다 의사와 수술을 받는 사람은 복용해야 합니다. 원하는 결과를 얻기 위해 관심을 갖고 상호 관심을 보입니다.
모발 이식의 초기 단계:

전 세계의 환자들이 모발이식을 위해 긴머리센터에 연락을 합니다. 그들은 기증자 지역의 사진을 보내달라고 요청했습니다. 이식편은 에서 가져옴) 및 수혜자 영역(이식편이 배치되는 곳). 전문가들이 분석합니다. 이 사진을 보고 치료 보고서를 준비합니다. 필요한 이식편 수, 필요한 세션 수 및 받는 지역의 결정.

헤어라인 결정:

미리 예약한 모발이식 수술 당일 환자가 저희 센터에 도착합니다. 의사가 다시 검사합니다. 수술 전 시작되면 환자에게 절차와 예상되는 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공합니다. 말과 글 모두. 추가적으로, 환자의 병력은 개인 파일에 기록됩니다.
그 후, 환자는 혈액 검사가 수행되는 수술실로 이동합니다. 감염병 여부를 먼저 확인합니다. 클리어하면, 다음 단계는 헤어라인을 결정하는 것입니다. 전문 의사는 다음을 고려합니다. 환자의 나이, 안면근육, 황금비율 등 헤어라인 그리기. 환자의 선호도와 승인도 고려됩니다. 이 과정에서 고려. 보다 정확하고 자연스러운 헤어라인을 위해 밀리미터 미터 및 레이저 장치를 사용할 수 있습니다.


헤어라인을 결정하고 지워지지 않게 표시한 후 환자의 기증자 부위를 제모를 위해 국소마취. 국소 마취 진정법보다 전문가들이 선호하는 방법입니다. 기증자 영역과 이식부위는 국소마취로 마취 절차 중에 환자의 편안함을 보장합니다.
가는 바늘을 통해 환자의 피부에 국소 마취를 시행합니다. 고통을 줄이기 위해 마취의 무통 마취 장치는 또한 할 수 있습니다 활성화됩니다. 이 장치는 마취제를 압력으로 분무하여 피부 아래에 주입합니다. 국소마취 전 마취할 부위에 마취가 적용됩니다. 이는 국소마취 시 느낄 수 있는 통증의 80%를 줄여줍니다.


환자의 수술에 FUE 방법을 사용하는 경우, 모낭 추출은 마이크로 모터 펀치와 장치의 도움으로 뿌리의 굵기와 길이에 따라 달라지는 펀치. 모낭에 들어간 후 사람의 기증자 영역은 의사가 검사합니다. 모낭 주위를 조각하는 원리에 기초한 모낭 추출 과정은 두께에 따라 펀치를 사용하여 수행하고 모낭의 깊이. 모터 속도는 조직 강성에 따라 조정됩니다. 기증자 영역에서. 모낭을 꼼꼼하게 추출합니다. 균질하게 한 다음 특수 용액에 보관합니다.

채널 개방(사파이어 방식)

모낭을 제거한 후 모발이 난 부위에 국소 마취를 합니다. 채널 개방을 위해 이식됩니다. 그런 다음 채널은 사파이어 팁으로 열립니다. 머리카락이 자라는 방향과 모발 밀도는 열린 채널에 의해 결정됩니다. 채널을 여는 동안 환자는 가능한 한 가만히 있어야 합니다.
트렌칭 공정에서 고려해야 할 두 가지 요소는 크기와 깊이입니다. 따라서 열린 채널은 적절한 채널이어야 합니다. 채취한 모낭의 크기; 그렇지 않으면 루트보다 작은 채널이 손상됩니다. 심는 동안 뿌리, 또는 채널보다 크게 열린 채널 뿌리는 조직 파괴와 흉터를 유발합니다. 또한 머리카락의 깊이는 이 과정에서 난포가 배치되는 것이 또 다른 중요한 요소입니다. 요인. 이러한 맥락에서 근관의 깊이는 적절한 공급을 위해 너무 얕아서는 안 됩니다. 심은 뿌리를 위한 영양분. 동시에, 공급 용기를 손상시키지 않고 충분한 깊이를 제공해야 합니다. 운하 개통은 작업의 가장 중요한 부분이므로 전문의가 시술합니다.
DHI 방식으로 연산을 하면 채널을 열 필요가 없다.

모낭 이식

채널이 열리면 모낭을 이식할 시간입니다. 지역 채널을 여는 데 적용되는 마취는 다음을 보장합니다. 이 기간 동안 환자는 아무 것도 느끼지 못하므로 추가 조치가 필요하지 않습니다. 이 단계에 대한 국소 마취 또는 마취 절차. 통로가 열리는 동안 영양분을 공급받고 강화된 뿌리는 특수 솔루션에 하나씩 배치하고 핀셋과 유사한 핀셋을 사용하여 이전에 열린 채널에 인내심을 가지고 삽입합니다.
DHI 방식으로 연산을 하면 초이펜에 넣은 뿌리는 이식 부위에 직접 이식합니다.

작업 종료

종료 절차 및 준비는 작업이 끝날 때 이루어집니다. 후 이식된 뿌리를 마지막으로 확인하는 PRP Plasma 처리를 실시하고, 이상이 없을 때까지 최종 세정 공정을 실시합니다. 출혈 또는 누출. 나가기 전에 혈당과 혈압 바이탈을 확인하고 모든 것이 정상적인 경우 앉은 자세로 가져옵니다. 그만큼 기증자 부위에 붕대를 감고 특수 항생제 크림으로 감싸 외부로부터 전염병. 이 붕대는 하루 동안 유지되며 다음 날 세척 시 의사가 제거합니다. 그리고 확인. 체크아웃 과정이 끝나면 완료, 투약 및 입원 위치에 대한 지침이 설명됩니다. 보증서가 발급되고 호텔로 오시는 길 안내 제공.


Where are the hair grafts extracted from? +

The hair grafts are extracted from the backside of the head, which we determine as between two ears and above the neck. The reason for choosing this specific area as a donor (extraction zone) is that the hair grafts in this region are genetically encoded against inherent hair fall. If the extraction process from this region is performed with better quality artistry, hair fall will never occur for a lifetime. Therefore, we take the hair grafts from the backside of the head, which we call the donor area.

The hair roots are homogeneously extracted one by one with the help of the latest technology system called the FUE method. After the process is over, the hair will never grow the place taken from since it is taken with its root, but it will not be visible since it is done with cater-corner homogeneously

Where are the hair grafts extracted from? +

The hair grafts are extracted from the backside of the head, which we determine as between two ears and above the neck. The reason for choosing this specific area as a donor (extraction zone) is that the hair grafts in this region are genetically encoded against inherent hair fall. If the extraction process from this region is performed with better quality artistry, hair fall will never occur for a lifetime. Therefore, we take the hair grafts from the backside of the head, which we call the donor area.

The hair roots are homogeneously extracted one by one with the help of the latest technology system called the FUE method. After the process is over, the hair will never grow the place taken from since it is taken with its root, but it will not be visible since it is done with cater-corner homogeneously

When will the implanted grafts grow or come out? +

After the hair transplant has been done, our medical consultant assistant will, without stint, follow the whole process with you until you achieve the best result. We will describe to you the growth process of all the hair grafts, respectively.

1-On the 10th day, the process of cleaning scabs will be done.

2-After one month, implanted hair begins to shed moderately.

3-The implanted hair enters the shock hair loss during the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th month, called the resting phase. During this process, you will face a view as if no hair transplant has been done.

4-At the end of the 4th month, the implanted roots will gradually start to grow progressively, and each month will grow faster and more hair than the previous month.

5-In the 7th month, almost 70% of the transplanted hair ultimately grows.

6-All transplanted hairs may take 12 months for the front zone and 14 months for the crown region to grow

The regrowth period of the transplanted hair may vary from person to person. It is a fact that hair roots come out earlier or later than expected, depending on a person's habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, and eating habits.

When will the implanted grafts grow or come out? +

After the hair transplant has been done, our medical consultant assistant will, without stint, follow the whole process with you until you achieve the best result. We will describe to you the growth process of all the hair grafts, respectively.

1-On the 10th day, the process of cleaning scabs will be done.

2-After one month, implanted hair begins to shed moderately.

3-The implanted hair enters the shock hair loss during the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th month, called the resting phase. During this process, you will face a view as if no hair transplant has been done.

4-At the end of the 4th month, the implanted roots will gradually start to grow progressively, and each month will grow faster and more hair than the previous month.

5-In the 7th month, almost 70% of the transplanted hair ultimately grows.

6-All transplanted hairs may take 12 months for the front zone and 14 months for the crown region to grow

The regrowth period of the transplanted hair may vary from person to person. It is a fact that hair roots come out earlier or later than expected, depending on a person's habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, and eating habits.

Does the implanted hair fall out again? +

In hair transplantation, the hair roots are extracted from the entire backside of the head, including above the ears and neck, which we call the donor area. The number of roots is determined according to the volume and quality of the bald area, and the extraction is done homogeneously. Since the extracted grafts from this particular donor area are immune to shedding from birth and are genetically coded against shedding, they do not shed and last a lifetime. Indeed, it is determined according to the knowledge and skills of the doctor who extracts these hair roots in a quality way and performs the hair transplant. Hair grafts are found in the donor region as a triple, double, and single hair. In addition, this grouped form differs from person to person. The important thing is to extract these grouped hair roots without cutting, destroying, and damaging them. People who do not have hair follicles in the donor area, either have been treated for cancer or are struggling with a different disease.

As a result, the transplanted roots never fall out again.

Will I have pain after the operation? +

90% of the people who have hair transplants in the Long Hair Center do not have postoperative pain. The reason is that the local anesthesia before the surgery is applied with good quality, which causes less harm to the grafts during the operation. We put pain killer medicins between your medical kit after the operation. However, most of our patients who have hair transplants do not need it.

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