How to Perform Hair Transplantation in Women

Hair transplantation is a type of operation and treatment that can be applied to anyone over the age of twenty-two, regardless of gender. In today's world, hair transplantation has become more accessible and is now a common solution for people suffering from hair loss. The most important factor in this process is ensuring that the hair transplant operation is performed by experienced professionals. Otherwise, the desired results and appearance may not be achieved.
Due to differences in the types of hair loss, the hair transplantation process in men and women is handled differently. This is because hair loss in women can occur as a result of more obvious factors than in men. In addition, the reason why hair transplantation in women is a separate branch is because there are multiple types of treatments available for the various causes of hair loss in women. Hair transplantation in women is typically used to address issues such as forehead narrowing, increasing hair density, and reducing scalp sparseness. The most significant advantage of hair transplantation in women is that it can be performed without shaving the scalp. During the procedure, a small window is opened in the donor area, and follicles are harvested only from that specific location. The transplantation process can also be performed without shaving the scalp.

Main Differences Between Hair Loss in Men and Women
Hair loss in men is mostly caused by genetic reasons, whereas in women, it can occur due to genetic factors or as a result of multiple causes, such as:

  • Hormonal imbalances or disorders
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Iron deficiencies
  • Blood value deficiencies
  • Post-conception hormonal changes

Additionally, hair transplantation in women can be performed without shaving the scalp, unlike in men.

Important Considerations for Hair Transplantation in Women

Hair loss in women is often caused by hormonal imbalances and deficiencies, as well as vitamin deficiencies. Therefore, before undergoing a hair transplant operation, individuals should be tested and examined.
The following tests should be conducted:

  • Hemogram
  • Ferritin
  • B12
  • TSH
  • T3
  • T4
  • FSH
  • LH
  • Progesterone
  • Ostaridol
  • Prolactin
  • Testosterone

If the test results indicate that hair loss is caused by hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, hormone therapy should be started, and a hair transplant operation should not be performed until after the treatment has ended. Otherwise, the results of the operation may not meet expectations. Similarly, if hair loss is caused by a vitamin deficiency, the vitamin reserves should be replenished before undergoing hair transplantation.


1-How is Hair Transplantation Performed in Women and What Should be Considered?

Hair transplantation in women is typically performed using the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) method. This method is preferred when the hair is long, and the goal is to increase hair density without shaving the scalp

2-What are the Differences between Hair Transplantation in Men and Women?

The causes of hair loss in women differ from those in men. Therefore, the first step in hair transplantation is to identify the reason for hair loss. For example, if the cause of hair loss is a deficiency in the blood, the desired results may not be achieved through a hair transplant operation. Therefore, the individual's blood value must be examined before the operation.

3-Which Part of My Hair will be Shaved?

The area to be shaved during a hair transplantation procedure depends on the size of the transplant area and the number of grafts required. The size of the shaved area is determined by the number of hair follicles to be implanted in the area experiencing hair loss.

4-Is it Possible to Collect Grafts from Another Area without Shaving the Hair?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to collect grafts from another area without shaving the hair. The genetically encoded hair follicles that are resistant tohair loss are only present in the back side of the head. As a result, the highest quality and healthiest grafts are located in there, also known as the donor area.

5-Is it appropriate for people who have been treated for cancer and have recovered to have hair transplantation?

The important thing to consider is whether the levels of blood values and hormonal values are suitable for hair transplantation.